Whenever you start typing anything in Omnibox of Edge browser it automatically start showing URL suggestion. Sometimes you find suggestion which are not related to query you’re looking for. Even if you clean browsing history in Edge browser, it keeps showing you suggestion which you don’t want to appear whenever you search for something. Although, it is possible to clear these types of Autofill suggestions by using keyboard combination SHIFT + DELETE. Starting with Microsoft Edge in Canary channel v86.0.570.0, the company introduced a new Remove suggestion (X) button that makes it easier for the users to remove unwanted suggestions in the Omnibox. The chrome browser already has the option to delete autocomplete URL. Since the Edge browser is based on Chromium it was expected that once the same feature will make it to Edge browser. What are your thoughts about Microsoft introduced a new feature to delete auto suggestion in Edge Ombinox? Let us know your opinion in the comments.