However, you’ll need to post the video correctly to ensure it plays without lag and serves its purpose. Here are some tips that you can follow to ensure that embedding videos will benefit your website.
1. Choose a good placement
Adding video to the right area can significantly improve your site’s performance, especially if you use it for commerce. Visuals play a key role in attracting customers. We are drawn to everything that is eye-catching and appealing. So, short videos with bright slogans and unique designs are increasingly used by online stores, travel agencies, paper writing services, real estate agencies, and other businesses. Many web design experts suggest placing videos where visitors can quickly notice them: at the top left side of the web page. You can also set a video on the “About” page of your website to tell a visual story about the foundation of your company or provide product descriptions in your online store. In addition to prominent placement on your website, it’s advisable to be careful about placing video clips on your web pages. Place the video at the end of the article if it only displays supporting content. A good example would be to add a video with testimonials from previous customers inserted at the end of a long text detailing several positive feedbacks.
2. Post the video to another website
Posting your video to a different video-sharing platform has advantages over uploading the video directly to your website. First, video-sharing platforms have unlimited bandwidth. These websites are equipped to handle the surge in views and traffic. It also means that your video has less risk of downtime. You can create an excellent video without worrying about wasting time. As a result, no matter how many people visit your website and watch the video, it will continue to play correctly as engagement increases. You can also embed videos using social plugins. It allows the site owner to embed a video player on their website so that users can easily showcase social media videos and live videos. You can add public videos of a specific content creator or organization as a video source. You can select the Universal Resource Locator (URL) page of the social media video you want to add to your web page to get started. Copy and paste the URL into the code configurator area. Click Get Code to generate the code to embed the video code. Copy and paste the snippet into the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) area.
3. Make the video adaptive at all screen sizes
The video should play smoothly whether the website visitor views it through a smartphone or a personal computer (PC). It is one of the rules website owners should follow when using video marketing. The server side of your website must be set up so that the video can expand and fill the entire width of the screen without compromising the aspect ratio to make the video adaptive. Videos that are not responsive tend to have distorted scenes, break the layout, or display abnormally on the page when set to a fixed size. When enabling video responsiveness, you only need to focus on three aspects: file size, aspect ratio, and quality. Use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to reduce errors.
4. Choose shorter videos
It is believed that many internet users watch videos to get the information they need quickly. Statistics tell us that almost half of them will watch a video clip to the end, regardless of its length. They say that adding short videos is ideal for perfectly capturing the attention of your site visitors. But what is the size of an acceptable video? In general, web design professionals agree that a video of 30 to 60 seconds will suffice, depending on the purpose and which page it’s placed on. If your video demonstrates a product, the length can range from two to five minutes. On the other hand, an explainer video can last up to 90 minutes.
5. Use plugins
Website creation platforms today offer a variety of ways to add a video to a web page or blog. While you don’t need to use plugins, they offer your different audience ways to view your embedded videos. For example, a specific app allows you to collect all your videos from one sharing platform to your web page in a gallery format that you can customize. The automation process imports the latest videos, aggregates channels, and more. Others may allow you to insert ads into different parts of your videos to generate additional revenue. It enables you to place a marketing message at the right time. Keep in mind that ads must also be relevant to your content.
6. Avoid auto-play
Website visitors like to have more control over watching videos on your online page. Visitors to your web page vary, and some of them don’t mind reading text information in the first place. That’s why it’s essential to set up videos so they can click and play whenever they want to watch your video content. When your video automatically plays in the background, visitors often miss the first few seconds until it’s too late to get their attention. There’s also the possibility that if the sound is on full blast, it may irritate your audience. Giving your audience the choice of when to play the video will let them know how much you want them to trust you. Avoiding intrusive videos allows them to take their time watching your content, allowing them to choose the experience they can get from your website.
Final thoughts
Video clips create great content, and web users usually prefer them as an effective tool to get information. The videos on your site must play correctly and are placed in the appropriate section where your visitors will notice them immediately. The effort, time, and money spent on creating the video will be wasted if the video does not play properly on your page. The above tips are meant to give you a helping hand. Be aware of the inner workings of video embedding and take advantage of programs that can enrich your visitors’ viewing experience. If you’re still at a loss, don’t hesitate to seek help from professional web developers and video production companies who can help you solve your problems.